Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Grade 9 paragraph due Nov 7

A couple of people have come to me asking about the paragraph due Nov 7. Please don't make it too complicated. All I want for you to do is a little research and a brief paragraph. Throughout human history, famines have occurred. You could research one and tell about its causes, who it affected, when it occurred, and where it was. Was there anything that could have been done to avoid it? Was it anyone's fault. Remember how the poem talks about war and armies?

Another topic is food security. This is the concept of making sure that there is enough to eat for everyone. Today we count on there being enough food in warehouses and stores, but where does that food come from? What if there was a glitch in the supply chain? There are lots of smart people thinking about and writing about this issue. It's worth thinking about.

One of the things that could cause a problem with food security is climate change. How does climate affect our food supply? What effects of climate change affect our food supply? What choices should be made to ensure continued agricultural production.

I know this is a big topic and I didn't give you much time. Therefore I'm not looking for an indepth essay, but only a well-written paragraph. Take some time to read a little information from two or three sources. Jot down a few notes, and some good quotes or facts. And begin the paragraph with a really good topic sentence.

The most important thing is don't just cut and paste some information. That's plagiarism.

24 marks.

Exceeds Expectations
Fully Meets Expectations
Mostly Meets Expectation
Somewhat Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Paragraph has a clear topic sentence, all sentences afterwards are logical and contribute to discussion. Some provocative ideas are discussed. Uses a several properly identified sources that are not plagiarized.
Paragraph has a clear topic sentence, logic is clear. Ideas are presented clearly. At least one properly identified source identified, not plagiarized.
Topic sentence may be weak. Ideas may be fuzzy, or some sentences may be irrelevant. Source is identified, but most of the ideas are simply copied.
Topic sentence may be weak. Ideas not original. Source not identified, or main ideas copied.
Mostly plagiarized. Lacks coherence. Does not provide information.
No errors of spelling.
No run-on sentences.
No sentence fragments.
Minor grammar errors only.
1-2 errors of spelling.
Not more than one run-on sentence.
Not more than one sentence fragment.
Minor grammar errors.
Contains misused homophones.
Several sentence fragments or run-on sentences. Grammar errors are not minor.
Homophone errors, apostrophe errors, sentence fragments, run-on sentences abound. Spelling errors common.
Problems with capitalization, periods, spelling of common words.
Shows excellent insight into the issue and possible solutions.
Shows good insight into the issue and possible solutions.
Shows some insight into the issue and possible solutions.
Shows weak insight into the problem and possible solutions.
Lacks insight into the issue and possible solutions.

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